I am Data Engineer

Episode 18: learn more about the role and the world of data.

Today we talked with our Data Engineers Carmela Beiro and Oscar Montañez about what Data Engineers do, which are the benefits they bring to teams and companies. Also what is recommended to study to become one and other super interesting details such as the differences between roles and customer relationship, among other things. 

In this episode the following links are mentioned:


If you want to learn more about the world of data, look at this blog post about data visualization and listen to another podcast episode. Listen here.


Octobot Tech Talks

Octobot Tech Talks is our podcast, a channel to share our experiences in the IT industry and tips for transforming people’s digital experiences. Talking about UX/UI design, coding, agility, teamwork and much more, we engage in conversations with developers, designers and product experts around the world.

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